Abgesang von PICA FIERCE als Video
Die Sieger des W:O:A Metal Battle Norway, Pica Fierce, haben zu ihrem "Swan Song" ein Video rausgehauen. Zu bewundern ist das Ganze auf der Myspace-Seite der Band und auf Googles Videoschleuder.
Hierzu hat die Band folgende Meldung verfasst:
"Norwegian death/thrash-metal quartet Pica Fierce premiers their new music-video for "Swan Song", the first video from their self-titled debut-album released earlier this year. Guitarist Kjetil Dyrnes describes it as a beautiful but heavy song, and say that they have visually managed to capture the mood of the song. The video is recorded in a german bunker from the second world war located near the city of Kristiansund northwest in Norway."
- Redakteur:
- Martin Przegendza
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