MAYBESHEWILL: Maybe they won't anymore

Die britschen Post Rocker von MAYBESHEWILL haben heute vermeldet, dass ihre letzte Liveshow am 15. April 2016 im Londoner "Koko" stattfinden wird. Davor wird es allerdings noch eine Tour geben, deren Daten und Orte aber noch nicht bekannnt sind. Hoffen wir darauf, dass es auch ein paar Termine in Deutschland gibt, wo man dann gemeinsam Songs von "Not For Want Of Trying", "Sing Thw Word Hope In Four-Part Harmony", "I Was Here For A Moment, Then I Was Gone" und "Fair Youth" erleben darf.
Allerdings lässt die Meldung durchaus Raum für Hoffnung auf eine fernere Zukunft von MAYBESHEWILL in irgendeiner Form. Es soll ja bereits Bands gegeben haben, die sich wieder zusammengeschlossen haben.
Hier die Meldung der Band im Wortlaut:
“When we started this band over a decade ago it was just a bedroom project that we never really imagined playing live with. Every little thing we’ve achieved with it since then has been both a surprise and an incredible bonus. The five of us have spent the last few years getting to tour the world, seeing some incredible places and meeting some of the finest people we could possibly imagine meeting, both on and off stage. Being given the chance to do all this has been like living some sort of crazy dream for the majority of our adult lives, but eventually you have to return to reality. So I suppose that’s what we’re doing now.
We've thought about calling this a hiatus or just saying things are over, but if we’re completely honest we can’t quite bring ourselves to put our feet firmly in either camp. There are numerous personal reasons why this has to happen for some of us. For others I'm sure they’d prefer to be carrying on, but the nature of a band means that you have to find a solution which suits everyone and that’s what we’re doing here. That’s why we've decided that these will be our last shows and leaving it at that.
I think it’s worth saying here that you will struggle to find five closer friends than you will in Maybeshewill. I can’t see that ever changing. It's also impossible to imagine any of us stopping making music and there will definitely be more to come from some or all of us. We don’t see another Maybeshewill record in our futures right now, but hopefully we will make music together again at some point. You can never say never.
So, we’re in the process of putting together the shows that will mark our last tour together, but we can tell you that we will be playing the final show of that tour at Koko, London on Friday 15th April 2016. Please come and celebrate the last ten years of this band and help us finish this chapter of our lives on the biggest high we can imagine.
And so finally we need to extend a huge thank you to Peter Devine our long suffering live engineer, Tim at Field Records, Shane at Function Records, Freddy, Jessica and Thomas at Superball, Simon at I Like Press and Haydn at NMC Live who have made up our little world over the last decade. There are countless wonderful people who have contributed to this band in some way, big or small, and you should all know who you are and that we've appreciated everything you’ve done for us. All the bands we got to tour with, and the friends we made for life all over the world - thank you. If you came to a show, bought a record or a t-shirt, or even if you downloaded an album or shared it with a friend - thank you. If we never made it as far as your town, or even country - we’re sorry. We genuinely tried.”
- Quelle:
- Pirate Smile
- Redakteur:
- Peter Kubaschk
- Tags:
- maybeshewill fair youth mono long distance calling frames tides from nebula sleepmakeswaves
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