Musiker erweisen Dimebag Darrell die letzte Ehre

Nach dem tragischen Tod von ex-PANTERA/DAMAGEPLAN-Gitarrist Dimebag Darrell haben sich zahlreiche Musiker aus seinem näheren Umfeld zu Wort gemeldet und dem Verstorbenen die letzte Ehre erwiesen. Hier ist nun eine Auswahl der gesammelten Statements von Freunden und Kollegen, welche das Leben des Ausnahmegitarristen in ihren eigenen Worten noch einmal Revue passieren lassen:
Mercedes Lander (KITTIE):
"I dont know how to begin or end this. Someone that meant the world to me was shot to death last night... This is still not real to me... I'm still waiting to wake up from this nightmare... it doesn't even feel real... Dime was awesome to me in every way... He took me under his wing when I was 16 and taught me everything I know about what I do... Dime and Vinnie treated me like I was a younger sister and I saw both of them as older brothers... The truth is that they didnt have to be nice to me and treat me as well as they did but they did because they are good people. I had so many awesome nights throughout the years of just drinking and talking. Some people even started calling me the 'cowgirl from hell.' I looked up to Dime and Vinnie so much because I saw myself and my sister in them... They made me want to work even harder at my dreams and reach the level that they were at... they are the closest thing I had to heroes.
I can't believe something like this could have happened in the metal community. I am at a loss of words to describe how I feel. I am so angry and frustrated... I don't think I will ever understand this senceless act. I can't believe this happened. It hurts so much right now. Whats even worse is that I can't even believe what Vinnie is going through.
You are one of the most amazing people in the world... I will miss you dearly... All I can think about is all the awesome times we had together... it scares me that I won't be able to have that again. You were loved by so many people... You will be missed."
"It is with the utmost despair that we extend our condolences to the family and many friends of one of the greatest guitar players to ever walk the face of this earth, Dimebag Darrell Abbott. Not only was he an inspiration to anyone who ever picked up a guitar, but he was one of the most genuine, big-hearted individuals you would ever have the pleasure of meeting. Dime loved to have a good time, and was never satisfied until everyone else around him was having one too. We are all still in an utter state of shock, refusing to believe that he is truly gone. Instead of focusing on the incredibly ugly demise of his death, let us remember the joy and strength he brought to all of us while he was alive.
To Rita, Vinnie Paul, and all of those who loved him so much, we extend our most heartfelt condolences. We'll have a double black tooth in your honor brother. You will never be forgotten."
Ozzy Osbourne:
"Dimebag was a dear friend of mine. I'm absolutely beside myself with grief. I can't for the life of me understand why someone would do this. PANTERA toured with me many, many times. I'll always remember the signed guitar that he gave me at my 50th birthday party. My heart goes out to Dime's family, his fans and the other innocent victims who were killed in this senseless tragedy. It's just terribly, terribly sad."
Jonathan Davis (KORN):
"Darrell and PANTERA were one of the main reasons I joined a metal band. This is a tragic loss for the music community and to all who knew him. KORN is truly shaken and we want to send our deepest condolences to the families of the deceased."
Abe Cunningham (DEFTONES):
"We had the pleasure of touring three times with PANTERA. They treated us so well on the road. We had some great times hanging out with them. They treated us with open arms, especially the brothers [Dimebag and his brother, Vinnie Paul]. Darrell lived the music. We feel terrible, and our hearts go out to his family, brother and father. He was a legend in this business, and an unbelievable musician. He will be missed by all."
Gary Holt (EXODUS):
"I am, for the first time in my life, at a loss for words. The terrible reality of last night's tragedy is starting to sink in, and I am in a deep state of mourning over the loss of one of my personal guitar heroes, on stage and off, Dimebag Darrell.
When my friend Walter called me with the news last night, I had to make him repreat every word when he was finished. It was just too much to believe. I had to be some sort of stupid, cruel rumor. But it was not. And so begins heavy metal's darkest day.
I'll never forget when EXODUS, along with SUICIDAL TENDENCIES, had the honor of taking PANTERA out on their first U.S. tour. And I will never forget standing there, along with Rick Hunolt, watching Darrell play during their first soundcheck, just totally ripping GARY MOORE's 'Still Got the Blues'. Rick and I knew this cat was something special. And he reminded us of it every night. He was a wildman, able to drink people under the table and still go out there and shred, never hitting a bad note. He was the first guitarist I'd ever seen who actually frightened me, he was so fucking good! And most guys with that kind of talent wear their guitars like a bib and spend their off time indulging in role playing games, but Dimebag was a monster of the best and highest caliber. Only Zakk Wylde could compete with Dimebag in that respect.
My deepest condolences go out to Vinnie and his family. I am so sorry for your loss, and I will not even try to pretend I have any idea what you must be going through right now. The metal world is behind you, we are all behind you.
Dimebag, rest in peace bro, this blacktooth is for you."
Rob Zombie:
"I don't know exactly what to write concerning the death of Darrell. This is beyond shocking and horrible. I still can't believe it is true. I got the call from my manager Andy Gould, who, along with Walter O'Brien, used to manage PANTERA and WHITE ZOMBIE.
During the early ninties WHITE ZOMBIE and PANTERA were constant touring partners and I had the pleasure of watching Darrell perform with PANTERA easily over a hundred times. For those of you who never saw him, he was without a doubt the most dynamic guitartist on the face of the planet. He was truly one of a kind. A legend.
Off stage, he was a cool, down-to-earth guy with the most bizarre sense of humor ever, half the time I didn't even understand what the hell he was saying. He spoke a language all his own — Dimespeak.
The last time I saw Darrell was with his brother Vinnie standing in the crowd rocking out at a METALLICA show. I never got a chance to see his new band, but I'm sure he was as amazing as always.
No one can replace a giant talent like Darrell, he will be missed.
My heart goes out to Phil, Rex and especially Vinnie."
"It just ain't fuckin right... Alcohol should have killed Dime, not a fuckin piece of shit worthless fuck with a gun trying to recreate the John Lennon's killing... This happened on the same day, if you didnt know... Dime will never die EVER!!! His style of guitar playing took metal to a whole new chapter in metal history.
For those of us that were lucky enough to be around Dime as a person... or see him jam in no matter what band it was, you know he liked to have a good time... In his honor, crank up his fuckin music and get motherfuckin wasted on whiskey!!!!!!!
And no matter what was said with all the shit talking between SUPERJOINT RITUAL and DAMAGEPLAN, that's all it was, nothing but talk!! If we had ever been in the same room together as both bands, it would have been cool… Kinda like seeing 'ole family....
I'm sure there will be plenty of new rumors surfacing.....And fingers pointing at people to blame... But Philip [Anselmo, ex-PANTERA] and the rest of SUPERJOINT RITUAL are in a state of shock and blown away by this tragedy! We do not take this shit lightly... What this kid did is so fucked up its not even conceivable. May you burn in the hottest corners of hell, you pistol-packin' pussyfuck...
R.I.P Dimebag. You rocked harder than you will ever know!!!!"
Fred Durst (LIMP BIZKIT):
"Last night was the 9/11 for metal to me and the metal community. Not only did PANTERA inspire me to have the courage to express myself they were also one of my main motivations to form LIMP BIZKIT. I am sad beyond comprehension. I mourn for the loved ones of dimebag and the others murdered. a living legend has been taken from us. life has permanantly changed for me as of last night. I believe everything happens for a reason and in no way do I understand the reason for this. I will be forever in his debt. RIP Dimebag."
Lars Ulrich (METALLICA):
"This is unbelievable. To sit here and talk about Darrell in the past tense seems so wrong, so unfair, so unjust, I don't even know what to say. My heart goes out to Vinnie, to their families, to the other band members, and to the families and friends of the other people that were killed or injured, in this fucking senseless act of selfishness and stupidity.
In 1985 I was fortunate enough to meet both Darrell and his brother in Dallas on tour. The first thing me and my friend did as soon as that tour was over, was to head straight back to Dallas and hang out with Darrell and Vinnie for a long time, cuz they were the coolest mutherfuckers that we had met after criss-crossing the states for three months. That was the beginning of a friendship that was anchored in love, respect, fun, outrageousness, music, booze, sweat, late nights, early mornings, hangovers, headaches, pounding eardrums, sore bodies... the list goes on.
There's a tendency in these fucked up moments to use the word 'I' a lot and focus on one's own feelings of pity and shock... so instead let it just be known that thru these eyes Darrell was incredibly warm, open, fun, nutty, forthcoming, talented, embracing, unpretentious, accommodating and he always had a very attractive innocence about him that obviously made him never threatening and always welcoming.
Darrell and his brother were the cornerstone of musical adventures that were always groundbreaking, pushing boundaries, challenging to themselves and to their fans, respected by their peers and always true musicians' musicians, and today the rock world is worse off because of this untimely and senseless waste.
Much love and respect and thanks for letting me be a small part of your life and I know you are already having fun and throwing it down with Bon Scott, Keith Moon, John Bonham, Jimi, Cliff B., and the rest of the musicians and troublemakers that you are hanging with so prematurely."
Corey Taylor (SLIPKNOT):
"He could take a riff that would take somebody a year to master and he could rip it off in seconds. He made everything look like he was playing 'Smoke on the Water' with one finger.
He was one of the coolest people I've ever met. The guy just loved to laugh and he loved to make you laugh. And he loved to make you do something that you would never do in a million years. He was a guy that lived in the moment. His philosophy was, 'Let's do something that is gonna make us remember tonight for the rest of our lives.' And that's something I'm gonna fucking miss for the rest of mine."
"Today is a sad day for music. LIFE OF AGONY are extremely distraught over last night's insane tragedy which took the life of DAMAGEPLAN's Dimebag Darrell. The band's hearts go out to the Abbott family as well as the entire DAMAGEPLAN camp. Dime, you will never be forgotten. We are all just speechless over here."
"Right now, we like so many are in complete disbelief and shock at the horrific murder of our friend, hero and brother Dimebag Darrell.
Our deepest and most sincere condolences to Rita, Vinnie and all of his bandmates, family and friends. May our love and prayers be with you in this horrible time.
Dime was one of the most amazing, generous, talented, funny, charismatic and caring people we have ever met. Some of the greatest times of our lives were spent with him and we will never forget his zest for life and generosity. Thank you, Dime. The world will never be the same without you. Your contributions to music and to all of our lives are invaluable and will never be forgotten. We love you bro.
Today we mourn with all of the PANTERA and DAMAGEPLAN fans around the world but tonight we are gonna play our asses off like Dime would have wanted us to!"
"Today has got to be one of the darkest days ever. To wake up and realize the news we all recieved yesterday was real. I can hardly believe it. Dime was a huge inspiration on us all in SKINLAB not only as an awesome person, but as a guy who was always there for his fans 100%. He will be extremely missed. Our deepest condolences to all of DAMAGEPLAN and the families of everyone who has been affected by this tragedy. R.I.P., brother ... See you on the other side!"
"The members of OPETH want to express their shock and sorrow in light of the recent tragic death of PANTERA / DAMAGEPLAN guitarist Dimebag Darrell. Condolences goes out to his family and especially his brother Vinne Paul who we hear is wounded but alive. We hope for a swift recovery. Things like this should not happen!"
Terry Butler (SIX FEET UNDER):
"Our deepest sympathies go out to the families of the victims in this horrific, senseless tragedy. The metal community has lost one of its most influential musicians. Dimebag's passion and energy for music was second to none."
"MINISTRY would like to like extend our deepest condolences to Darrell's friends and family and the friends and families of others who were killed or injured last night.
Several members of MINISTRY were very close with Darrell and we are deeply saddened by the loss of this great artist."
"I've sat here for a full day sulking in the total disbelief of the loss of my dear friend Darrell. Wondering if my words would be as pertinent as some of the musicians who've been in the spotlight far more than myself. But Darrell has touched me just as strongly as my peers, and I'm sure of that. His unconditional friendship and his zest for life and laughter was unsurpassed by anyone. His talent and gift of guitar playing speaks for itself. One of my proudest moments as a musician came from him, when he told me he used my guitar tone from 'Years of Decay' as the basis for 'Cowboys from Hell'. I will never forget when we sat there drunk as hell with a 4 track in Springfield, Mass. coming up with our own lyrics to ICE T's 'There Goes the Neighborhood', or when they as a band tried to hijack me from Virginia Beach on the tour bus in yet another drunken fiasco, or catching the beer he tossed to me in 'Vulgar Videos'. I will miss you as a person and a phenomenal guitar player. My tears are shed for you, Vinnie, and the rest of the Abbott family. C-Ya on the other side."
Trevor (UNEARTH):
"This is a sad day for heavy metal, rock 'n' roll and for all his family, friends and legion of fans around the world.
Dimebag Darrell was one of the nicest and most genuine human beings all of us in UNEARTH have ever met. His presence, music and most of all his friendship will be dearly missed. Dime loved life, cared about people and was a true rock icon. Everything about him was admirable.
Our thoughts and hearts go out to his family and friends."
Tim "Ripper" Owens (ICED EARTH):
"Hey, wanted to say that Dime was a great guy and amazing guitarist! He will really be missed! He made me laugh when he would see me backstage and sing out 'Ripper' in a high note with some melody he had made up! He and his brother always gave me respect. I knew how much of a fan he was of JUDAS PRIEST and Rob [Halford], so the respect meant a lot! And all the rumors about him and I working together where the best rumors I'd ever heard about me! I always wanted to work with Darrell and was always waiting for that phone call! Dimebag, we love ya bro and you will be missed!"
Mark Hunter (CHIMAIRA):
"Dime's music gave me so much to live for when I was younger, and he truly changed the face of metal with his unique style of guitar playing. There isn't a metal band I know that hasn't borrowed a riff or three from him."
"MACHINE HEAD are devastated by the horrific news. Our deepest sympathy and condolences to the Abbott family, DAMAGEPLAN and former members of PANTERA. Our thoughts are with you all."
Derek Sherinian (ex-DREAM THEATER):
"I think that this is such a horrible tragedy. I never met Darrell, but I admired his talent and what he stood for musically. My heart goes out to his family and loved ones."
Scott Rockenfield (QUEENSRŸCHE):
"I did not know Dimebag Darrell personally, but this is a great tragedy for the entire music community. Concerts are meant to be a place of fun and safety, and this will stay on all of our minds for many years. Darrell will be missed..."
"I just heard about it. It really sucks that something like that can happen. I'm so shocked by this unnecessary act of violence that I can't really put it in to words. My deepest sympathy goes out to Dimebag and his family."
Jonas Björler (THE HAUNTED):
"We just got back from the U.S. tour with DAMAGEPLAN, and we're all in shock right now. I can't fucking believe what has happened. Dimebag and the rest of the guys were really cool people, and this is the worst display of cowardice I've ever experienced. R.I.P. Dime — we'll never forget"
Carmine Appice (VANILLA FUDGE):
"I cannot believe this happened. I am very sad at this. It is scarey too. People should not be so outraged at the fact a band broke up and to kill people about it. Stupid and careless. I am shocked at this, my heart feelings go out to the families of everyone who died last night at this club..."
Juan Garcia (AGENT STEEL):
"Everyone in AGENT STEEL is devastated by the passing of Darrell. We attended the Los Angeles show when DAMAGEPLAN + SHADOWS FALL + THE HAUNTED came through town a few weeks ago (so this is really hard to deal with). We know Patrick Lachman (vocalist), and our condolences go out to Vinnie Paul, the Abbott family, Bobzilla, Patrick and rest of the crew, and PANTERA/DAMAGEPLAN fans worldwide. A real tragedy."
Don Airey (DEEP PURPLE):
"Deeply shocked by what has happened. I saw PANTERA play a few years ago at Wolverhampton Civic. They were brilliant, and Darrell a master of his art. Met them briefly afterwards, and they were charming humorous and low key. One memory of the evening is of a lone punter jumping on stage during the encore, then not having the courage to dive off. Most bands would have the road crew throw him out, but Darrell went up to him, patted him on the head, gave him a beer, and the guy cheerfully sat out the rest of the number on the drum riser. The man will be missed. My sympathies to the family, particularly Vinnie."
Billy Sheehan (STEVE VAI):
"This SUCKS!! I'm so pissed. Dimebag was always a good guy to me — I met him out & about in L.A. a few times. Very sad to lose him. Great player, too. This is a catastrophe."
Kenny Powell (OMEN):
"I am not doing good at all at this moment. The last conversation that I had with Dimebag was about what he was going to face doing something different, I had gone through it on "Reopening the Gates" and it was very painful. He was without out doubt one of the most influential guitar players of the past few years and genuinely good person to everyone that has ever met him. I have stopped working today and just have been setting around my office playing guitar and feeling bummed. I hope he is in a better place now, I am getting ready to go to a vigil at the club he co-owned with Vinnie."
Chris Caffery (SAVATAGE):
"I am writing as we drive….very distressed here. I had just learned a few hours ago of the tragedy in Columbus. I did not know Dimebag extremely well, but he and his brother were very supportive of SAVATAGE in the old days. I remember them coming onto the bus on the Gutter tour and telling me how much they loved the band. This was in Dallas…they then told me they had this new CD called Cowboys From Hell and how heavy it was. They did not lie! Darrell was one of my favorite guitar players. Any time I had met him afterwards he was always so kind and just a great guy. This is a situation that I am having trouble digesting right now. It could be any of us. I want to send my thoughts and prayers to Vinnie and the rest of their family and close friends.
Odd thing is I look at our so called problems again and this really makes you think once more.
I am at a bit of a loss for words…tomorrow I will write a bit more on today. Now I am just thinking about the loss of a modern day guitar legend."
Fallon Bowman (ex-KITTIE):
"I'm sure most of you have heard about the senseless killing of a guitar god. I would like to extend my condolences to the Abbott family at this difficult time.
PANTERA, and especially Dimebag, made sure I had tons o' fun on the Ozzfest tour so I owe them a lot. Not only that, he was just a down-to-earth, nice person.
It's a sad day for music. I'm sure this weekend everyone will do one shot of Jack Daniel's in his honour. RIP, Dime."
Kirk Windstein (CROWBAR)
"This whole thing is very disturbing. First, I'd like to give my deepest heartfelt sympathy to Vinnie, Rita, all Dime's bandmates, and all of his family and friends throughout the world. Second, I'd like to thank Dime for all the joy he's brought to my life both through his music, and through his friendship over the years. I can honestly say that hanging out with Dime was some of the funnest times of my life. I really looked up to him as a person, and, of course, as a guitar hero. It's not very often that you get to jam with one of your musical inspirations on his back porch. I feel really fortunate to have been able to know him as a person, to tour with PANTERA, to sit there with him and watch him do what very few can do on a guitar. This whole thing is just horrible.
My sincerest thoughts and prayers go out to him and all of his loved ones. Thanks for all you've brought to my life, Dime. Love you, bro."
Iscariah (ex-IMMORTAL):
"It's through a hole in my heart I express my uttermost condolences to Dimebag's family in these difficult times. I remember me and my friends banging our heads out to 'Cowboys From Hell' when it came out. The energy it let out was something which was through tough times easier to release. Even though my path has been laid down more in direction of extreme music than
PANTERA, they gave us the balls to move on when we were young.
From the class of '91... You will always be in our thoughts for our future achievements..."
Wayne Static (STATIC X):
"It's taken me several days to gather my thoughts so I could make some sort of statement about Dime. This whole thing is so surreal. PANTERA changed my life as a musician. Dime has always been my absolute favorite guitarist ever.
STATIC-X did two tours with PANTERA and they were the most memorable tours of my career. Recently I've been very excited that Dime and Vinnie have carried on with DAMAGEPLAN, and I was looking forward to hearing many more great albums from them in the future. The last show STATIC-X played before entering the recording studio was with DAMAGEPLAN in Florida. After the show, Dime and I, along with his awesome wife Rita, hung out all night and did plenty of drinking.
I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to get to know Dime, along with his bandmates Vinnie, Patrick, and Bobzilla. DAMAGEPLAN, their crew, and their friends are some of the best people I’ve ever met. Dime had a huge heart and a pure honesty that made him very cool and unique. He will be missed by everyone."
Tripp Eisen (STATIC X):
"Dimebag's passing has left me stunned. When I think about it throughout the day it hits me like a ton of bricks. The only thing that is justified is that the gunman was shot dead. This horrible event has shaken up all of our worlds. My heart goes out to Vinnie Paul and everyone who was close to Dimebag Darrell and the other three who were murdered that night.
I got to know him in 2001 during the Extreme Steel Tour, and he is a genuine, super-nice guy. Always smiling and in good spirits. Fun to be around. Plus he was a KISS fan, a Dallas Cowboys fan, and fellow right-wing conservative (all things near to my heart). And of course his immense talent that influenced me 12 years ago when I first became a PANTERA fan. The final STATIC-X show this year was with DAMAGEPLAN in Orlando, FL (Oct. 2), and it was a pleasure to hang out with those guys for two nights and watch them play. Dime will be terribly missed. Hail to a brother of metal, and a super-nice guy. He leaves a musical legacy and his life was an inspiration."
Dave Mustaine (MEGADETH):
"Tonight I had the honor and priveledge to host a special [MTV2 'Headbanger's Ball'] tribute to the life of Darrel 'Dimebag' Abbott. I went out to NYC Thursday at 9:30 PM on a redeye to do this, and during the period since then, I have had a good amount of time to reflect on my own life. I realized how fortunate I am, and have been to have met some of you, and in some cases become friends with many of you. What is bothering me is the people who I have not been able to meet, or worse, have met and ended up not being friends with. There are many. I would like to, in honor of Darrel's life, learn from him and how many friends he apparently had made. Over my career I have a lot of cleaning up to do on my side of the street as well as letting things go, for once and for all; I need to apologize to many people and also to forgive and quit holding grudges.
Having said that, if there is something I did to you or someone you know, please give me the opportunity to make this right. To SLAYER and METALLICA: I am sorry for whatever I may have done in the past and wish to make it right, to put it behind us. Please let me know how and when we can talk this out.
To previous bandmembers and managers: I say the same to you.
To all the MEGADETH/METALLICA fans: from this day forward, there will never be another unkind word from my mouth perpetuating this silly 22-year-old feud. And to heavy metal fans around the world: I am going to emulate Dimebag by being more like him; more friendly, and more interested in your lives too, I promise. I am grateful to have been asked to come in this hour of darkness to represent us all as we come together and heal as a worldwide music community, and I would be a fraud if I didn't say I need to do more to better represent. Thank you in advance for your forgiveness and for your support."
Dave Ellefson: (ex-MEGADETH):
"Like most of you I couldn't believe my eyes and ears when I woke up and heard the tragic news of Dime's passing and the travesty at the DAMAGEPLAN show in Columbus, Ohio. It is purely beyond belief yet so staggeringly real. I just recently hung out with him and the DAMAGEPLAN entourage a couple weeks ago when they passed through Phoenix, AZ and as usual they were the coolest.
I first met Dime in 1987 while in a Dallas, TX watering hole where I was introduced to this up-and-coming new band named called PANTERA. Dime was a regional guitar hero who went under the name 'Diamond Darrell' and his band was making some big waves in Texas. That night Darrell raved to me about how MEGADETH's 'Peace Sells But Who's Buying' album forever changed his life. The next night PANTERA played a nearby club and they invited me on stage to jam 'Peace Sells' with them, which was kick-ass! They certainly knew their metal, alright. A bond was formed between me and the band which as the years passed was always like seeing good friends again. In fact, I remember calling Darrell years ago asking him if he would join MEGADETH as we were regrouping before 'Rust In Peace'. However, as cool of a musical fit as that might have been, there was no way anyone could split up the brotherly onslaught of him and Vinnie Paul, nor would you want to!
Years later PANTERA played often with MEGADETH but I specifically remember a funny incident when we did a show together in Hamburg Germany in the red light district known as the Reeperbahn. Dime's tour tradition was to get a tattoo in honor of his favorite bands he toured with. Right before the show, he walked into the club and showed us his brand new black-and-white tattoo on his lower leg of a black tooth grin. We were like, 'No fucking way, that's insane!' to which he replied, 'Yeah dad, Black Tooth Grin, just like in 'Sweating Bullets'.' Funny thing is I've seen other people get that same tattoo over the years, all in honor of Dime, and it always brings a grin to my face remembering how nuts he was to go out and get a tattoo in that part of town in our honor!
In closing, Dime truly lived, breathed and played metal like no other guitar slinger out there. My condolences go out to everyone in his family, the DAMAGEPLAN camp and those related to the victims at the show. This incident has forever scarred heavy metal but our memories will live forever of the legend we've come to know in our brother Dimebag Darrell."
J (ein naher Freund von Phil Anselmo):
"I don't have a big official statement. I do have a lot of inside knowledge on the PANTERA feud from Philip's side and tonight he gave me the green light to let everyone else in on what I know. He trusts me to do this, and I take 100 percent responsibility for anything that is inaccurate, but I'm confident you all know I'm not going to touch on this subject unless it's from the heart. He didn't even give me any specifics except for the final part of this post... he just wants me to tell people what I know to be true.
Philip loved Darrell like a brother, always. They accomplished things together that most wouldn't even dare to dream. None of us can know what it's like to be riding such a big machine, it changes the face of music and brings joy millions of people's lives around the globe. The rewards are big, but the stress is unimaginable if things don't go perfectly. Yes, PANTERA broke up and there was a lot of shit-talking through the media. There are two people on this board who would periodically ask me about what's going to happen with PANTERA in the future. I told them each time that I don't know when, but I'm 100 percent sure that we will see PANTERA together again. I told them that when PANTERA does get back together, you will know somebody who never lost faith, not for a second. Why did I tell them this? Because I know Philip loves those guys and when he was ready, he would reach out to them and try to make it work again. I had the feeling that one morning (afternoon maybe), all the 'Cowboys From Hell' boys would just roll out of the rack and say 'Let's go!' Of all the time I've spent with Rex and Philip, I never badgered them about PANTERA, but the subject did come up every once in a while. As for Rex, he would refer to the state of things simply as 'silly nonsense.' All I ever got out of Philip was something like 'Nyaaaa... I just don't feel like sitting down and writing PANTERA riffs right now.' ... and that's it! No crazy accusations, name-calling, or carrying on. As a matter of fact, in the middle of all the heat, Philip described Vinnie as 'the perfect drummer' and that Vinnie could drum more perfect than a drum machine if he so chose. What he said of Dime, he also repeated tonight. 'The best of the best.' It's sad that the media would irritate the situation so much. Countless times, Kate and I would listen in on Phil doing interviews. Always, always, always, the jackals wanted PANTERA dirt. Sometimes Philip would give it to them, sometimes he would not. However every single time I was there, he expressed his love for, and wished luck to Vinnie and Dime but that was somehow left out of the final print more times than not. I was at Philip's house a few weeks ago and I informed him that I handle the official PANTERA site now, and he asked me if I talked to Dime. I said, 'No, when was the last time YOU talked to him?' With a sigh, he said 'Three years.' Not a 'Fuckin right 3 years' not a 'Yeah three years and it's gonna be three more'... but the dude was genuinely disappointed about the situation. I could tell... the time to patch things up was drawing near. There's more I want to share, but it's almost 5AM right now, and I just managed to hold myself together long enough to get that out.
Philip isn't hiding out or waiting for the right moment to speak, he's in Texas right now searching for answers to this tragedy the best he can. There was one thing he asked of me, that I humbly bring to you all:
'Darrell my brother. The best of the best.' — Philip H Anselmo"
Billy Milano (M.O.D.):
"I can't express in words the sorrow I feel inside, not just for me but also for Vinnie, Rita, Darrel's parents his bandmates and friends.
What I can express is how wonderful a person he truly was. Kind and gentle in nature, care-free and loving. I'm a lucky person to have known [Darrell] as a friend. I want to spend this time remembering him in this spirit rather than dwelling on how he was taken from us or the person who did it.
My heart bleeds for his loved ones."
Rob Halford (JUDAS PRIEST):
"Hello everyone. My deepest condolences go out to everyone affected regarding the passing of dimebag. His mucianship was superb and his original style was and will remain an inspiration to players worldwide. His friendship can never be replaced.
I first met Dime in 1991. I was in Toronto preparing for the 'Painkiller' tour. I had MuchMusic TV on and saw this guy talking about metal and wearing a 'British Steel' shirt. From what he was saying and the PANTERA video that aired I knew right away that this man was a guitar god!
I called MuchMusic and spoke to Dime and that night went to a club and hung with the band. We jammed 'Metal Gods'. From that point on, he and the rest of the band became solid friends. My gut feeling was that this band would be huge.
So PANTERA toured with PRIEST all over Europe. Many a night I would stand off stage and watch them tear up city after city leaving everyone stunned by their intense performances. It was a thrill to watch and hear Dime invent and advance with his playing. Soon the world became Panterarised!
Of course, so much has happened since those early times and I feel that it's important now that however we take the turn of events in recent years we all stay true to the same belief that Dimebag had about his love of metal, which was to play your heart out and be real wherever you are! Some things that happen in life make no sense at all, but out of pain comes strength, and I know the metal community will take that strength and use it as an enduring memory for Dimebag.
Love never dies."
Jerry Montano (DANZIG):
"I just wanted to say my heart goes out to Vince, Rita, and the entire PANTERA/DAMAGEPLAN family. We lost undoubtfully the greatest metal guitarist of all time and a great friend.
I had the honor of calling [Dimebag] a friend and even bandmember at one time (I was lucky enough to play bass for Dime and Vinnie's side band GASOLINE). I have to say just being next to him while he was playing his guitar was always a sacred experience — he was truly unbelievable when it came to his playing, but he really shined when it came to being a friend.
I can remember during reheasal one day or night (who the fuck knows at that point, right?!!) after the four of us finished playing (fourth being my boy Thurber T. Mingus, our singer and friend from the southern metal band PUMPJACK). Dime and I were hangin having a few beers in the back. I remember asking him, 'How the FUCK do you do it man!!!?' and he looked at me with a very humble look and said, 'Man, I just close my eyes and it comes right through my body my hands and outta my guitar.' I remember him telling me he doesn't even know what's gonna come out of him when he records his solos and that it was a gift given to him from god that he never questions.
Truly amazing.
He was THE ONE THE ONLY and there will NEVER be another.
Words like kind, caring, loving, generous amazing, undeniable, compassionate and god-sized are what come to mind when thinking about this kind man I had the privilege of getting to know very well over the years.
And there is the touring we did together ... I swear, [it] literally has taken years and years off all of our lives!! GODDAMN! Ozzfest!! Reinventing tour!! Those four months alone almost did me in — literally! I remember he was as excited as me when I landed the NOTHINGFACE gig, and gave us the tour immediately!! (Good times). I will never forget one word, one moment, or one note for as long as I exist. EVER.
I just needed to say you'll be greatly missed my brother (I still feel like I am gonna get 4- and 5- and 6-in-the-morning phone calls fom you!!). You will never be forgotten — and [you] truly made an impact on my life forever.
So let's sit back and remember the good times, all the wild and insane times and the quiet cool mellow hung over times, and know the entire world lost a friend and hero. So now he graduates from this life to go on to his destiny as the greatest metal guitarist of all time, a true bonafide LEGEND.
CHEERS to you, my friend!!! 'I'll see you on the other side.' At the great bar in the sky. Until then, you'll forever be in our hearts.
(Just like you always said!) C'MON with your C'MON!!!
With all my love, respect, admiration... and with great regret, I now say goodbye.
Wednesday 13 (MURDERDOLLS):
"It's 3:31 am here, early Saturday morning in the bible belt of North Carolina. I'm still in shock from the 'Dimebag' story this week. I honestly did not believe it at first. I didn't know him personally, but to say I wasn't touched by his band and style would be lying. This is the most bizarre thing I've ever heard of. It's a sad week for us all in the music world, and all I can ask is why????
I raise a toast in the memory of the fallen..."
We have lost a dear friend and the world has lost an incredible musician. Our prayers are with Vinnie and the rest of the Abbott family.
Words cannot describe the sorrow we and countless others feel over this tragic loss. The many memories of the times we've spent with Darrell will be cherished forever and he will never be forgotten. He and his brother have been more influential to us as a band than any other. We would not sound the way we do if it had not been for them. Many other bands can say the same.
To know your idols and have them as friends is a rarity and we feel blessed to have known and loved Darrell.
Due to this tragedy, we cancelled last night's show in Jacksonville, N.C. and the radio station having known the details of Darrell's death should have understood. We were in no shape to perform. Not to mention the venue had not supplied proper insurance.
We apologize to our friends in Jacksonville and regardless of how Rock 105.5 feels about our decision, we hope that you understand. This tragedy has helped put our lives and the lives of our loved ones in perspective.
We love you and be careful."
Jeff Waters (ANNIHILATOR):
"Not sure what to say. Still in a bit of a state of shock.
I didn't know Dime very well but always looked up to his incredible riffing and writing. One of the top 10 most important and influential metal guitarists, no doubt.
I wish Vinnie, family and all the band members involved (including Phil Anselmo) all the best and my thoughts go out to every one of them. Certainly 'shock' is the best and only way I can describe my feelings at this moment."
Shawn Drover (MEGADETH):
"I get a phone-call at 2 o'clock in the morning from Dave Mustaine, at which I could barely hear him from his very soft-spoken monotone voice. I knew immediately something was wrong — there was. The conversation that transpired was completely unfathomable to me!!!! Among the millions of thoughts racing through my mind, 'WHY' seemed the most prominent question to ask, and still is!!! Musicians possess a special gift — providing music for people to ENJOY. It harnesses and evokes so many different emotions for people to grasp — happiness, aggression, sadness, whatever the case, in the end it is to entertain the listener, which is a possitive thing. How something this tragic could possibly happen has left all of us at a complete loss. (I usually do not speak for others, but I think it's justified here)
My love for PANTERA has run deep since 'Cowboys from Hell' was first released. What has always remained in my memory is that PANTERA was about playing heavy metal, despite what trend was popular at the time. It was always about the 'MUSIC' for those dudes, which to me means everything and is the exact same thought process I apply to music as well. This is just completely tragic..."
Trent Reznor (NINE INCH NAILS):
"What a sad time. First Jhonn (sic) and now Dimebag. Two very different and very great people who will be sorely missed."
Casey Chaos (AMEN):
"Dimebag and Vinnie were two of the most generous, down to earth and influential guys American metal will ever know.
Dimebag's unmistakable lifestyle and larger-than-life spirit changed music forever. His generosity, his music and living life to the fullest was truly inspirational to anyone in any band or anyone alive. I don't think there is a soul alive that hasn't been touched by this.
I had the great privilege to be interviewed by Dime and his brother for 'Headbanger's Ball' just a few months ago. He greeted me with gifts and stories as we talked of a tour together in the near future. Up to that time, we had met on numerous occasions as anyone in a band today does.
To say that we lost a legendary performer is an injustice, for he was truly unique and an incredibly funny guy. His mere presence would light up any room in any country, even if you didn't understand the language. His lust for life would exude from him, and you felt as if you had just fallen in love. He was so down to earth and generous to the degree that he gave me a present of Crown Royal with a handmade label that I have kept on my mantle since then, and there it will remain until my dying day.
At this time, as with anyone who was around him, I have tears in my eyes. I just wish that today those tears were from the laughter due to his exuberant spirit. I remember Larkin [Shannon, ex-AMEN and current GODSMACK drummer] telling me about him and then showing me the videos and we'd laugh so hard it hurt.
I don't think the metal community will ever truly recover from this tragic loss. In passing he has left a legacy of music that will remain timeless for future generations to be influenced by. The sound of his work is unmistakable and completely unique. A product of his lifestyle and pure intensity as a writer and a guitarist that was truly his own. Make no doubts about it when it came down to it that on and off stage the man was the MAN.
He was heavy metal on steroids. What Larry Flynt did for porn is like what Darrell did for guitar playing. Always with a smile on his face he talked the talk and did a hell of a lot more than walk the walk. He was unmistakably a one-of-a-kind human being, above it all a career that was never-ending, which is unheard of in these modern day one-hit-wonder times. He wrote some of the heaviest riffs that metal has ever had the privilege of hearing.
My heart goes out to you, Vinnie, and the family, for I can't imagine how good life must have been, from the day he was born to the day that some jealous coward does the unthinkable and robs the world of a truly inspirational soul. Now I'm gonna sit back and watch his DVDs and remember a man I wish the world could take lessons from. To me, Dimebag was life with a big heart, a sound bigger than life, and he was happy to share it with you the way he shared his soul with all of us.
For any of us who have had the pleasure of meeting him, I feel we are a hell
of a lot richer from it than those who didn't. For those of you who didn't, listen to the music and watch the videos and I am sure you will know what I mean.
I'm keeping this bottle of Crown you gave me, Dime, 'till we can drink it together again. Thank you to the family for bringing up such a loveable and honorable man. May the world's grief help to heal the wounds of an irreplaceable loss.
Thank you Darrell from all of us in AMEN/SCUM.
Thanks for the legacy."
Miguel Rascon (ex-COAL CHAMBER):
"I would just like to take this moment to expess my sorrow to all the people that passed away [Wednesday] night.
I know Dime was a great influence to a lot of people, including myself. He will be missed deeply.
I can personally say I had some of the best times touring with PANTERA. Music is something that should be shared with all. We never stop to realize how powerful it can be.
Dime, thanks for all the fun times we had! This drink's for you!
"We still remember the first time we toured in Texas and this 'crazy' guy came to talk with us about his band PANTERA. Later we went on tour with them and had some of the best times of our lives with Dime. Dimebag was an excellent musician and a good friend, a fucking great partner in memorable tours. We'll miss him very much. Our condolences to the Abbott family.
We are really gonna miss [Dime] as a great musician, but [also] a lot as an awesome person.
Dente Preto lives forever."
Scott Ian (ANTHRAX):
"He was larger than life. He used to call me 'the action figure' because of how I move around onstage, and I used to tell him he stepped right out of a comic book. He was just so full of energy and such a strong presence. [As a musician], he had everything — just his originality, the riffs he wrote, his tone and what he did with his guitar. He didn't sound like anybody before him, and nobody could come close to duplicating what he did. That's the best thing you could say about any musician . . . I'm still kind of stunned. It's hard for me to believe that this is how his life ended. I don't know if I'm ready to accept the fact that I'm not gonna go to see him play live and have him obnoxiously shoving drinks down my throat."
"He was beyond beautiful. When he'd walk in the room, he'd light it up. Fuck the guitar playing — he's right up there with Eddie and Randy and Hendrix. All he wanted to do was make everyone happy. He was the ray of sunshine. Dime will never die ever — he's in my veins. He's sitting at God's tavern, having a cold one with Randy Rhoads and Hendrix. Dime was an original."
Johny Kelly (TYPE 0 NEGATIVE):
"I'm not really sure what to say or how to put it in words to describe what I'm feeling at the moment. The world has lost a genuine person, one of the true greats. We've lost a great friend, some have lost an idol, but more tragic than any of that, a father lost his son and Vinnie lost his brother.
Since TYPE O NEGATIVE first toured with PANTERA in 1995, both bands have remained close friends. No matter how much time would pass, whenever we would get together it always seemed like we had just seen each other the night before. Touring with them was an amazing experience that I still talk about ten years later. I have so many memories of Darrell and all of it included laughter. Hanging out with Darrell, Rita, Vinnie, PANTERA and DAMAGEPLAN was always an adventure. You never knew what was going to happen but it usually wound up with your stomach hurting from laughing so much and a really nasty hangover in the morning.
I know that Darrell was an amazing guitar player and many know him just for that. I would have to take a step back every once in a while to see him for that, because that wasn't how I knew him. I knew him to be a very enthusiastic, generous, animated and one of the funniest guys that just happened to be one of the greatest guitarists of our time. He had a way with people that after you met him, you became a part of his family. We always considered him family and we're devastated. Heaven definitely has its hands full now that Darrell's shown up.
Even though I have written this about Dime, I want to send our condolences to the families and friends of the others that were so senselessly taken away from us on Wednesday night."
Jerry Cantrell (ex-ALICE IN CHAINS):
"He was a deep soul, he was always there with a smile ... which is why this doesn't make any sense at all. Why would anyone have a beef with him?"
Neil Turbin (ex-ANTHRAX):
"When Dime came on the scene with PANTERA, he changed the way heavy metal guitar was played. Noticeably more bone crunching and powerful. Now that he has left the stage, it is no longer a sacred ground to witness the sanctity of metal without the fear of bodily harm (other than getting hurt in a slampit).
I am saddened, sickened and outraged by this cowardly act. This is a crime against all metalheads and music fans alike. Metal shows are supposed to be fun and Darrell was one of those who made it a lot of fun to go out to see live music. What a tragic end to a brilliant career and a great loss to everyone.
Darrell was metal's finest, a warm person who would treat you like a bro, a brother, son, friend, and one of the true great guitar legends of all time.
You have much love, support and will be sorely missed by the entire metal community. This is without a doubt the saddest day in metal. You will always be remembered.
My deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences to the families of all the victims, Vinnie Paul, Rita, the Abbotts, Patrick Lachman, Bobzilla, the tour manager and drum tech, crew, and all of the DAMAGEPLAN and PANTERA fans and extended family to get through these dark and difficult times.
Darrell, thanks for the great music, killer riffs, and inspiration you have given me and so many others to plug in and play it loud!
Salute! And much respect."
"The news of Dimebag's death reached the ears of the METAL CHURCH camp about five minutes before we were due to hit stage in Tuscon, AZ. At that time it was just a rumor and not confirmed.
This tragedy especially hit the METAL CHURCH camp hard as Dime was a friend to Kirk Arrington for many years as is Dime's wife Rita. A senseless tragedy such as this is next to impossible to process in the band's and crew's minds as when we played Ft. Worth this past Sunday night, Rita came to our show and partied the METAL CHURCH boys and afterwards treated Kirk and the road crew (myself included) to the utmost hospitality by letting us stay at her and Dime's house that evening.
The boys in the band and crew have been in a constant state of surreal shock since this tragedy was confirmed. We are all immensely saddened by this great loss to the world of metal and the world in general.
Dime was a hell-raising lover of life and the world is that much darker without him. It just all seems like a horrible joke or bad dream still and will for quite some time.
I wish to personally extend my deepest condolences to Rita, a wonderful person who took us road-weary guys in and treated us like family. When you're on the road for long periods of times an act of such consideration and kindness means a lot to us and to have to have the worst thing in the world happen to such a person just days after is just unthinkable.
Rita, I have no words to say that could possibly describe my heartfelt sorrow for your loss. If there's anything we can do for you please call."
"The world and EYEGATEGOD lost a brother and true friend with the passing of Dimebag Darrell Abbott. He was a true EYEGATEGOD fan from the heart. He will be missed on every single level for so many reasons.
We extend our condolences and love to the Abbott family, the DAMAGEPLAN families and all who became victims December 8th, 2004."
Alex Skolnick (ex-TESTAMENT):
"I was watching CNN early this morning when they cut to the scene of a conert shooting in Columbus. I was sure it was some local band, then they showed the pictures of Darrell. I still can't believe it.
I remember meeting those guys for the first time in Houston in '88, when TESTAMENT got up and jammed with them, They were a metal cover band with a reputation of playing better than some of the bands they were paying tribute to.
I remember Darrell asking me to show him one of my TESTAMENT solos to see if he was doing it right. He was, and added his own thing to it. As time went on, I'll be the first to admit the PANTERA found their own voice as a band and took it to levels which blew us all away.
I hadn't seen [Darrell] in about ten years or so. We were very different types of players and people. I wanted to explore other musical styles, he wanted to delve deeper and deeper into metal. I was shy and quiet (at the time), he was a loud, wild Texan. We weren't close but when I saw him over the years I always felt a mutual respect. I considered him one of the best metal players out there and am truly saddened by this and in disbelief that something like this could happen.
I don't know what else to say.
RIP, Dime."
"I never met Darrell, but I will always remain dazzled by his playing.
I cannot believe how sad the whole shooting incident is.
Music is important. You know it means the world to me. But in the same breath, it is just music. So many bands break up, do new stuff, move on, sometimes get back together for a while and then keep moving, reunite, I mean, it just happens. Marriages end in divorce sometimes, boyfriends and girlfriends separate, business partners go separate ways.
I was going to try to list all the bands I could think of that have parted over the years, but come on, that would take forever. As soon as I typed, THE BEATLES, I thought, 'Maybe I don't even have to go any further.'
Darrell was just playing music.
I have read that his death was due to the opinions of a disgruntled PANTERA fan. If there is any truth to that, it is just so sickening and pathetic and full of selfish hate on the part of the shooter. So full of self-importance and grandeur. As a music fan, it makes me sad. As a fellow artist it makes me sad. I mean, who did this guy think he was rocking out to when he listened to PANTERA? Was he really just a part-time supporter of Darrell? Could he find the distinction? What a fucked up world it must be to live in where one thinks that everything revolves around him and is about him and for or against him.
So, Darrell got shot cause he wanted to make music. Because he was happy creating and playing. I am utterly saddened and disgusted. A devastating day for music and for those of us who consider ourselves fans, myself included, because, clearly, on some level, this guy thought we all had this in common. We consider ourselves fans of music.
And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing or situation — some fact of my life---unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment. Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God's world by mistake..."
Music, our song, our community is our voice. It is by the people for the people, of the people. It is progression, forward movement. The hate is backwards decay into death. We owe it to ourselves to be the representatives of who we really are. The healers. We owe it to the world, because clearly, the world needs to be shown sometimes."
Ted Nugent:
"It was horrible. Darrell was a big fan of mine. He expressed that every time we ever saw each other," said the Nuge, who fondly recalled that PANTERA performed his "Journey to the Center of the Mind" and "Cat Scratch Fever" the last time they played Detroit.
It's tragic on two dynamic levels," Nugent, an outspoken advocate of sensible gun ownership, added. "Once again, innocence is destroyed, and it's Americans destroying other Americans. This conduct runs wild in this country ... It's not the Taliban doing it. It's Americans."
"I was absolutely shocked by the news. Dimebag was such a really nice genuine bloke and a great player. He was always very respectful towards me and it was lovely to have him on tour with us. He will be sadly missed."
Paul Stanley (KISS):
"I'm stunned. The taking of Dimebag Darrell's life in this horrific murder is a senseless tragedy for his fans and unfathomable loss for his family. I send my deepest condolences to Vinnie and the rest of his family. My thoughts are also with the families of all the other victims of this heinous act."
Gene Simmons (KISS):
"Sad to report 'Dimebag' Darrell Abbott, formerly of PANTERA, has been killed in a club incident. Our best wishes to his family and friends."
Mike Mushok (STAIND):
"I can't believe the news I got last night. Jon called me telling me that Dimebag was shot at a club while they were performing. I couldn't believe it then and I still can't. On behalf of myself and the band I'd like to send our deepest sympathy to Dime's family. What a loss.
I was lucky enough to be able to hang with Dime on a few occasions and he was a man that loved life and lived it to the fullest. He was an incredible guitar player / musician / human being — a legend who will live on in the awesome music that he made.
Pour yourself a shot of crown, add a splash of coke and raise your glass in Dime's memory. You'll be missed."
Marty Friedman (ex-MEGADETH):
"I knew Darrell from months of touring together. He was a great guitar player, actually much better than was probably necessary to play the kind of music he was playing. Although his image was a wild partying maniac, his playing always was full of class and finesse. As a fellow guitar player, KISS fanatic and basic rock dude just tryin' to make music, I'm sad and shocked by this.
Why is it so easy for any lunatic to get his hands on a gun??
RIP, Dime, you will be missed..."
Lemmy Kilmister (MOTÖRHEAD):
"To Vinnie & all concerned: Man, I am so fuckin sorry. You know I loved Dimebag and I'm about as sorry as you can get. Glad you're OK though. If there's anything you need help with, you got my number somewhere, OK.
Thinking of you."
Mikky Dee (MOTÖRHEAD):
"My deepest sympathy to everyone affected by this tragedy."
Phil Campbell (MOTÖRHEAD):
"I'm so sorry, we'll dedicate the set to Dimebag tonight."
Wes Borland (Limp BIZKIT):
"We were playing a show in Texas a few years ago and I saw this sweaty, super long-haired, big-bearded, Dimebag Darrell-looking guy come over the barricade right in front of me. 'Holy crap,' I thought, "That IS Dimebag Darrell!!!' I had only met him once before, but I had grown up on PANTERA and was a little star-struck by his presence. He was smiling and looking up at me and jamming out to whatever song we were playing at the moment. The security in the barricade were getting ready to shoo him out from in front of the stage with everyone else, but I stopped them from ushering him out and I stopped playing guitar and I shook his hand. He hung out right in front of me for about four more songs. I couldn't believe it. He was a hero to so many of us. I'm glad I got to have that moment with him. I'll never forget it."
James Murphy (ex-DEATH, TESTAMENT):
"I first met Darrell about 18 years ago at a show in Texas around '85-'86. PANTERA was playing to a pretty packed house at this little hole-in-the-wall venue — a bar, really, with a stage jammed into one corner. I had not come for the music, but rather to socialize and have a few drinks. I was only 18 or 19 (18 was old enough to buy beer in Texas and Louisiana in those days) and I had never heard of PANTERA before. I nursed my beer and mingled as the band on stage played a diverse collection of cover songs and soon enough I started to take note of the killer playing of the lone guitarist on stage and became more and more impressed as the band started to work in some original music. I took note of two things in particular: 1. how this band with this single guitarist could sound so thick and powerful on stage, and 2. how that guitarist who looked to be about the same age as me could play so damn well and with such an original style. He was, in my estimation, light years ahead of me.
As the night was wrapping up I made my way to the band's merchandise table where I noticed some cassette tapes for sale, asked which one was the most recent, and purchased it. I then made my way over to where the guitarist was hanging out off to the side of the tiny stage and introduced myself. Diamond Darrell, as he was known in those days, extended his hand warmly and though he was tired and trying to pack up some gear he still took the time to chat and tell me more about himself and the band. Having met many 'bar band' guitarists by that point from the Texas and Louisiana club circuit I was immediately struck by how truly nice Darrell was by comparison to some of the other guys I had talked to... he showed me his guitar, his rig, and tried to show me a couple cool guitar licks on his unplugged instrument over the din of the bar crowd. I was in awe of this guy, and when I asked he revealed to me that he was less than one year older than me... I was floored and rushed home with my new PANTERA cassette determined to practice until I was on a level somewhere close to Darrell's by the following year.
That tape was titled 'I Am The Night' and though the tape itself wore out years ago from constant play I recall that the line-up consisted of all but Phil Anselmo out of the line-up we all know from the most famous albums.. i.e., from 'Cowboys from Hell' onward. I liked every song and Darrell's incredibly tight rhythm playing was evident throughout the album, but there was also an instrumental track that showcased Darrell's amazing solo guitar talent, I think it was titled 'D-G-T-T-M' and I wore my fingers and ears out trying to learn it.
I met Darrell many more times over the years, especially as my career started moving forward in 1990, and no matter how big PANTERA got he was always the same as that first meeting.... genuinely nice. Sometimes he would remember me, other times he didn't seem to at all, but he never treated me any differently.
I will miss you Darrell, the world will miss you. My deepest sympathies to Vinnie, Rita, and the entire Abbott family as well as to all those like myself who are, have been, and always will be, in awe of what you accomplished, what you played, and most importantly, who you were.
Rest in peace brother."
Juan Croucier (ex-RATT):
"Ironically, I learned today that Darrell was a big RATT fan. What a thing to learn on a day like today. I had heard the rumor before but it was confirmed to me by Warren De Martini. Warren and Darrell were friends. He had nothing but wonderful things to say about Darrell and as you can imagine, was greatly saddened by this senseless tragedy.
Dimebag Darrell, was an awesome guitar player, PANTERA and DAMAGEPLAN were great, great bands! I remember hearing PANTERA for the first time back in the early 90s and thinking to myself man, this band is over the top. Very intense. I loved it. It was also my brother Rick's favorite band.
Darrell, brought something new to the hard rock/metal game. He was not only a great guitar player/song writer but he changed the rock music world with his style and approach. Hard rock/metal will never be the same. His contribution to music will live on in all of us who loved his work.
My thoughts, condolences and prayers go out to his brother Vinnie, his family, friends and PANTERA/DAMAGEPLAN fans as well as the other folks that were senselessly murdered.
Life is so precious, everyone matters. Unfortunately, we live in a world where senseless and insane acts of violence can and do happen without warning.
Yeah, I learned today that Darrell was a big RATT fan... Well, I am a big PANTERA/DAMAGEPLAN/Dimebag Darrell fan! And always will be.
God bless him."
"It's tragic, a shame, I've known Darrell for years and years. He was a big fan of COC, we toured Australia together with PANTERA. It's just a shame."
Shawn Crahan (SLIPKNOT):
"It's just upsetting how the world is — the need and the necessity to override the value of life," Crahan said. "From my whole (SLIPKNOT) family, I would like to tell . . . Vinnie and everyone else how sorry we are.
This type of activity has always gone on and it's part of our business. You can go through decades of information and hear about these kinds of things. It sounds like there were people in place to try to prevent this. It almost doesn't matter. People get in. It's just so, so, so unfortunate."
Mike Portnoy (DREAM THEATER):
"I wasn't gonna post anything because this whole tragedy isn't about me or how I feel… and I feel so helpless and insignificant at such an unbelievable time as this...
But after sitting in front of my computer screen in disbelief for the last 24 hours since I heard about this last night I finally felt I needed to at least acknowledge how absolutely horrible I feel about this nightmare.
Actually, I am sick to my stomach.
Dime was an incredible talent who I've admired since the beginning when we had both just signed to Atco Records. It's been many years since I've hung with him or any of the PANTERA guys — but my memories with him and the guys were always of great fun and filled with crazy drunken insanity.
He lived each and everyday to the fullest. In fact, I never could believe how he could even function (both on and off stage) with the way he partied and lived life.
I feel so sorry for Vinnie and the rest of the band and family.
Words really cannot describe the heartache I've had all day.
This is as tragic and unbelievable as Lennon getting killed.
But this hits home even closer because he was ONE OF US.
I really cannot believe it..."
"It's been almost 14 hours since I heard the report that dime had been shot and killed. At first I assumed it was a hoax. I mean, who would shot Dimebag? I sit here still completely blown away and overcome with sadness.
Dimebag was without a doubt a key element in creating and changing what we are all so blessed to call metal in the new millennium. This guy is the definitive king of killer shredding and great tone... A trend-setting monster of a player who had the skill of a complete mastermind of his craft.
On a personal note, I had the chance only once to drink for hours with Dime during my time in PISSING RAZORS. I still remember being in awe of his presence, he was 100% down to earth, laid-back, funny as hell and a genuine great person to say I had the privilege of meeting. He also got us drunk to the point of insanity (but that goes without saying).
I now understand what my parents went through when JFK or Lennon was shot. The world stops and actually looks at just how important this person's life was to other people and how influential one person can be to a generation. Hopefully, we will be able to shed light to the rest of the world that 'heavy metal" isn't too blame for this catastrophe. One sick persons actions does not speak for an entire genre. I already saw one news report trying to paint a picture that metal creates and advocates violence... I hope people come to understand that this was an isolated incident that is as bizarre as it is horrific.
In closing, thank you, Dime... for inspiring so many of us too do what we do! You set a precedent that will always be imitated but never matched. I speak for all the members of SINGLE BULLET THEORY when I say … You will be sorely missed!"
Rich Ward (FOZZY, ex-STUCK MOJO):
"I feel that we should all be hesitant to make any assumptions or to repeat Internet rumors, at least until they are substantiated. Even then, what would our motivation be to talk about his death? All the details will unfold in the coming days. I think our focus would be better served by celebrating Dime's life and how he and his music touched us all.
When we were on tour with PANTERA, Dime was obsessed with repeating a phrase from the movie 'Pulp Fiction', 'Tell that bitch to chill.' . . . He had us all in stitches, as every few minutes you'd hear his voice echo through the arena, 'I said......TELL THAT BITCH TO CHILL.'
At the time of our tour, PANTERA's head of security was a guy appropriately named, Big Val. After a few 'black tooths,' Bonz got a hair up his ass and said that he'd put phat cash on Corey (MOJO bassist) to beat Big Val in an arm wrestling contest. Well, it didn't take Dime and Vinnie two seconds to pull two huge rolls of cash out of their pockets. The room went nuts seeing Bonz' jaw drop as he realized his mouth was writing checks that his ass couldn't cash.
The best story though was when we first met up with PANTERA at the Dynamo festival, which was the day before our tour started. We (MOJO) had a meeting, where we discussed playing it cool and not being too quick to be all up their (PANTERA's) ass.
Let's face it, all of us in MOJO worshipped PANTERA and we wanted to earn their respect as well as being mindful of how annoying it was when the opening band hung out all day in your dressing room. But as all plans on tour are destined to fail, Bonz got drunk, forgot 'our agreement' and wandered out on stage with a shot of Crown Royal for Dime. This being the touring band's sign of friendship and respect, Dime smiled and leaned his head back. Then Bonz poured the shot in Dime's eye! He made the most awful face and staggered over blindly towards his tech, who tried to clean his eye with a wet towel. Mind you, he didn't stop playing and this was in front of a crowd of over fifty thousand people. He regained his sight after about two songs and later walked over to where I was standing, which was next to his tech. He looked at me, laughed and said, 'Goddamn man, if that shit stings your eye that bad, I wonder what it's doing to my stomach.'
Kyle Thomas (EXHORDER):
"I was awakened at about 7:30 a.m. the morning after Darrell Abbott was murdered by a phone call informing me of this disaster. Immediate sadness filled me. I was sickened that such a thing could happen to anyone (including myself), but that it happened to Dime to me is an absolute abomination.
Darrell was never anything but nice and friendly towards me, even when our bands had a 'controversy' between them [EXHORDER had publicly called PANTERA out for 'ripping off' their sound — Ed.]
When EXHORDER first started playing in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, he often came out to the shows. I would do the same for PANTERA in New Orleans before they exploded. In fact, I most recently saw him at the JUDAS PRIEST show in Houston.
Being that we were more good acquaintances than close friends, our encounters were far between. Nonetheless, Darrell embraced me and proceeded to speak his peace regarding the former negatives between our bands. Not once did he give attitude; Darrell spent several minutes complementing me both professionally and personally, and I returned them as well.
Zakk Wylde called to him from his tour bus because the bar awaited, to which Dime replied, '5 minutes! I NEED to have this conversation!!!' We then reminded each other that any problems between our bands were not a result of anything between the two of us, and re-certified our friendship. I passed a comment about me, him, and my brother-in-law Craig Nunenmacher of BLACK LABEL SOCIETY being a band standing there without a bassist, who would it be? We then all looked at each other with raised eyebrows at the very prospect. We shall never know now.
Above all, I want to send out condolences to Vinnie and his family. Also to Rita, as well as Philip and Rex, all of my friends in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and the New Orleans friends Darrell had. Condolences also to the world of heavy metal. You lost an innovator, a warrior, and a metal god.
We'll meet again..."
Brian May (QUEEN):
"We are all gutted to hear of the senseless and tragic death of Dimebag Darrell, who was shot by a 'fan' who climbed on the stage at a show of his new band, DAMAGEPLAN. He was, of course, better known for his great playing in PANTERA.
PANTERA were, I think, the first band that I and my son Jimmy both got equally excited about. It was Jimmy who first got me to see them. They were a great band, and Dimebag was an innovative and passionate player.
Great musician. Terrible loss. My respects to him, to his family and friends. Also to those who were killed trying to save him and apprehend the gunman.
- Redakteur:
- Björn Backes
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