OVERKILLs Bobby geht es besser!
Wie auf der Homepage zu lesen ist, geht es dem Frontman Bobby Ellsworth wieder besser. Sein Arzt bestätigte, das er bald wieder zu 100% hergestellt ist. Allerdings benötige es seine Zeit. Wenn alles ausgestanden ist, werden sich OVERKILL wieder ins Studio begeben und an einem neuen Album arbeiten.
Außerdem bedanken sich Bobby und die Band bei allen für die Genesungswünsche!
Hier die Originalmeldung:
"As most of you know, Blitz collapsed on stage at a show in Nurnberg and was taken to the hospital by paramedics. After some tests he was
diagnosed as having had a minor stroke. He was held for 2 days for
tests and was released. He is currently still in Europe where he is
taking it easy for a few weeks. Doctors said he we make a full recovery and will be 100%! He needs to take some time off for the next few weeks and then Overkill will be in Pre production for a new studio release in Feb of next year.
Thanks for everyone's concerns and good wishes, and we will return the
favor by kicking the shit out of you guys with some shows in the
- Redakteur:
- Alex Kragl
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