PAIN OF SALVATION: Kristoffer Gildenlöw geht
PAIN OF SALVATION und Basser Kristoffer Gildenlöw gehen getrennte Wege.
Ursache für die Trennung sind logistische Gründe, Kristoffer lebt seit einiger Zeit in den Niederlanden, der Rest der Band in Schweden.
Hier das offizielle Statement der Band, nachzulesen auf :
"We are a band who loves to play music together, and who values being a real band rather than a project that functions on distance. Being a tight unit welded together musically and personally is an important part of the band's soul; and constantly being decimated while composing, rehearsing, and even recording, simply proved impossible in the long run.
Kristoffer has grown to become a tremendous bass player during the years with Pain of Salvation and it is with sadness that we now see him go, but since this logistic situation will not change within the coming years, we unfortunately see no other choice."
- Quelle:
- Redakteur:
- Thomas Woinke
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