Seth Putnam tot

Seth Putnam, unter anderem bekannt durch seine berühmt-berüchtigte Arbeit mit der Noisegrind-Band ANAL CUNT ist gestern im Alter von 43 Jahren an einem Herzanfall gestorben.
Was anfangs als Internetgerücht begann, wurde schließlich von Putnams Pressesprecher Kim Kelly via Twitter offiziell bestätigt.
Kelly dazu: "I want to remind everyone that no matter how outrageous and controversial his musical career has been, Seth was still a human being with friends and family that loved him. I'm hoping that the Internet will remember that. This is a very sad and trying time for those that knew him, and the last thing they need to see is an outpouring of message board hate. The man lived and died by his own rules; if anything, respect him for that."
- Quelle:
- Redakteur:
- Daniel Wimmer
- Tags:
- seth putnam anal cunt
1 Kommentare
13.06.2011 | 22:46
Danke für die vielen Lacher Seth. RIP