Die Youngsters von MORBUS CHRON um Robert Andersson, Bruder von Nicke (IMPERIAL STATE ELECTRIC, ex-ENTOMBED/-THE HELLACOPTERS), der produktionstechnisch der Ziehvater des Quartetts gewesen ist, weilen nicht mehr unter uns.
Zurück bleiben mit "Sleepers In The Rift" und "Sweven" zwei saustarke Death-Metal-Alben, die vor Esprit, Experimentierfreude und Mut nur so strotzen. Genaue Gründe sind nicht bekannt. Schade, denn die Band war zweifellos auf dem Weg nach oben, was Tourneen mit BOLT THROWER & MORGOTH oder der Auftritt beim diesjährigen PartySan Open Air bezeugen. Damit hören die schlechten News nicht auf: Neben ähnlich ambitionierten Acts wie IN SOLITUDE werfen nun die nächsten Talente die Flinte ins Korn.
Hier die Abschiedsworte, die die Band via Facebook an ihre Supporter richtete:
"To all our friends, fans and supporters over the years.
Today marks the end of MORBUS CHRON.
However difficult this decision was to make, the four of us are certain that it is the only right thing to do at this point. There are no hard feelings present at all.
For every passing day it has become more and more obvious that this band is made up of very different people, with different goals and intentions. We have reached our final crossroad and we simply can't choose the same path anymore.
We had a fantastic run. The places we have been able to go, both musically and physically, are beyond what we ever hoped for. We are honored to have connected with so many people, and can do nothing but stand in awe when we recall the passion and dedication that you have shown us. These are memories and experiences we will take with us for the rest of our lives.
Thank you for lending us your ears and sharing this journey with us. Thank you so much.
/Robert, Edvin, Adam, Dag"
R.I.P., MORBUS CHRON - wir hoffen,
- Quelle:
- https://www.facebook.com/morbuschron
- Redakteur:
- Haris Durakovic
- Tags:
- morbus chron nicke andersson
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