RAISE HELL: Interview mit Chatevent: Dennis und Jimmy

01.01.1970 | 01:00

Um die 30 Headbanger fanden sich im Rock-Channel unseres Partners Metropolis ein, um Dennis (Drums) und dem frisch hinzugekommenen Sänger Jimmy der schwedischen Trasher von RAISE HELL Löcher in den Bauch zu fragen. Obwohl es deutlich ruhiger zuging als beim Kiske-Chat wurde es nie langweilig, viele Fragen wurden gestellt und die Jungs von RAISE HELL amüsierten sich offensichtlich blendend.
Sie blieben nicht nur noch eine ganze Zeit, nachdem der "offizielle" Event endete sondern hatten auch einen Heidenspass daran, mit weiblichen Chatteilnehmern zu schäkern - es sei ihnen vergönnt. Aber lest selbst!

MRrogers :
what do you think about Korn Raise hell?

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Korn is cool!

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Mr rogers: Korn isnt really my cup of tea but they are great musicians!

Twixer666 :
do you also plan to come to munich? Iwant to hear the new singer on tour

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
We will play at Wacken! See us there!

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Hello twixer! we are waiting for tour plans from nuclear blast!

Yahoz :
How can I get some Merchandising things? There isn't anything at Emp, nothing at nuclear Blast, so where can i get some patches e.g?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
yahoz: for the moment we dont have any shirts fleft but we will really try to take care of that when we go on tour!

Yahoz :
Is there anyway to get some old songs with the new vocals??

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Nothing recorded! But you never know!

On Wicked Is My Game you changed form death to thrash, what about the new album?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Man o war: I think that the new material will follow the style of Wicked..

and why did you change the style? do you need more aggression in music?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Man o war: our music changes did come up naturally and we didnt plan the changes!

Seppl666 :
@ jimmy & dennis: a stupid question but which country do you like most to play in?

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Sepp: Well! I never played in any other country than Sweden so...

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
sepp: Thats a hard question but Germany and austria is always great!

EvilGewfcrzGfcrkchen*w :
how many time do you spend in writing lyrics?

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
EvilG:I allways have lyrics in my head!

jimmy, how do you feel about playing in Raise Hell?

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
I love it! Never felt better!

MRrogers :
what guitar do u play (@the guitarist)

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Mr rogers: no one of us plays guitar but Jonas and torstein play Jackson guitars!

Seppl666 :
@ dennis: what do you think of live albums and do you guys have any plans to record one sometime in the future?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
sepp: We already have released three live songs on the NB festivals album with Destruction!

did you work together with Anders Friden (In Flames) like on the last one?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Man o war: Yes we did!

Squirrelchen :
What do you think makes Raise Hell stand apart from other metal bands?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Squirrelchen: I think that we have a certain chemistry in the band And we how grown as musicians together!!

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
I also think that we are very open to experiments in our albums!

Squirrelchen :
Sounds good @ Dennis :-) ... an which music do you like ? Is there anything that other people would surprise perhaps ?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
squirre.. I dont think that people would be surprised but I listen mostly to metal!

Seppl666 :
@ raise hell: which album would you give someone who has never listened to raise hell before?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
sepp: without doubt Wicked is my game!

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Sepp: I would definatly give him The Wicked album!

Salazar Slytherin :
Do you believe in God?

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :

Dennis @ RaiseHell :

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
he he!

melissah :
which song of the new album do you like best?

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Melissa: The Haunted house!

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Hello melissah: That would be the title track!

BadmeetsEvil :
Are you planning any Side-Projects?

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
BaadmeetsEvil: Nothing big! Just playing for fun with friends!

MRrogers :
when did your band started playing?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
mr rogers! Raise hell was formed late 95

Arnold Layne :
Where do you think are your most important influences?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Arnold: I guess that would be Slayer!

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Arnold Layne: Hard to tell....There is so many influeces for me!

Dark Reflection :
Sweden has a great metal scene with such bands like In Flames, Dark Tranquillity, Gardenian and many others. WHat do you think about the swedish metal scene?

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Dark Reflection: I agree with you! There is a lot of good Swedish metal band!

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Dark.. I dont have that much of an opinion of the swedish metal scene.. I mean I live here and for me its
nothing special! but I do agree that there is a lot of good bands from sweden

do you think it is easier for a band, when they come from sweden?

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
MAN O WAR: I don't think so.

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Man o war: I think it was a few years ago but not any more! I think the whole metal scene is growing world wide

melissah :
jimmy, what would you say: where are the differences between jonas' and your voice?

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
melissah: I've been singing mostly clean vocals before so I learnd how to use my voice in that way an that helps me a lot with the thrash-vocals

Twixer666 :
Is there something special about the process of your songwriting, i.e. du you write the songs all together or is this done by a single person?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
twixer: nowadays we usually jam the songs together! I mean we try out riffs together and then make a song out of it!

what do you think about the actuall discuss about mp3-downloads?

Arnold Layne :
MOW: Speak english or die :-)

let me die

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Man o war: Im not that interested in mp3s but i guess it has both good and bad sides!

*Good God* :
What do you think about the New-Meta-Hype and the commercial becoming of metal in the last Years?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Good god: I think that it has a positive reaction for extreme metal cause people usually starts out with more gentle metal before they go extreme!!

EvilGewürzGürkchen*w :
@ Jimmy : did you listen to raise hell, before joining them?

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
EvilG: Yeah! I did!

Yahoz :
is there a chance of clean vocals in the next RH records?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Yahoz: we will give Jimmy free hands to do vocals on a thrash albums and you never know what he will come up with! :)

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Well...Not actually straight clean but....It's possible that some clean backrounds will apear....:)

Dark Reflection :
Do you like Germany? and what du like most of germany?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Dark... I love germany! its like my second home! :) To be honest I like the beer most!

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
And of course all the maniac metal heads!

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Dark reflection: I like the people! Every german has been nice to me!

the beer or the price? *grin*

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Man o war! hehehe.. the price.. no but the beer is good!

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
MAN O WAR! Sheaper than Sweden though!

Maya661 :
what do you think about female metal bands

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Maya661: It can be very cool!

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
maya: I havent heard that many but the ones Ive heard have been cool!

Squirrelchen :
you are swedish guys ... so I think you like alcohol ... which drinks do you prefer ? :-)

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Squirrelchen! Bloody Mary And Whiskey!

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Squirrel... My favourite drink is white russian!

BadmeetsEvil :
Are you very famous in sweden, and do people on the street in all-day life recognise you as Raise Hell?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Its very hard for metal bands to get known in sweden! I mean not for Hammerfall but when you play more extreme music! I mean we do have a name here and usually pretty much people on our gigs but I wouldnt say that we have paparazzis after us! hehe..

Good God* :
What means Metal to you? Is it an art of religion, a lifestyle or just Music?

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Good God: Metal is a form of music to me , not a lifestyle

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Good God: But you can allways tel if someone is a metal head! he he!

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Good god: Its the music but I play it and listen to it all the time so it becomes your lifestyle in a way!

Arnold Layne :
Did you know Bon Scott died today 23 Years ago?

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Arnold Layne: I didn't know! He was great!

Seppl666 :
@ jimmy&dennis: raise hell is a very young band ........ what do you think raise hell will be in 10 years?

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Seppl666: Hopfully at Donington, kicking some ass!

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
sepp: yeah! hopefully we will still be recording albums!

Dark Reflection :
What do you think about people which think that you are satanistic because of the fact that you listen to metal and wear metal clothes?

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Dark Reflection: Well..they should get the facts first before they judge us!

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Dark: I think that people are to quick to judge most of the time!! when they have talked to you for ten minutes they realize that we are more than just long hair and leather jackets!

Rape me :
what do you think about G.W Bush and his politics?

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Rape me: I'm not very much in to politics so I can't really answear that

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Rape me: I think that all this shit about bush and all politics sucks!

dennis, did you demonstrate last saturday?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Man o war: No I was drinking beer! :)

Twixer666 :
do you have any tips for a metal band to get a deal and get famous besides sending demos to the companies?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
twixer: just never give in! I mean play gigs as muxch as possible and spread the words about your band everywhere!!

Arnold Layne :
Dennis, what equipment do you use?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Arnold: I got the latest PearlExport(Metal series) 2*22,10,12,13,14,16

andybeta :
jimmy - did raise release only on nuclear or also on non commercial labels? small independend labels?

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
andybeta: Only on nuclear!

Good God* :
With which age you've started to play?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
good god: when I was 6

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Good God: I was eleven years old when I did my first performance

Yahoz :
which were the last CDs you bought?

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Yahoz: That would be....uhmmmm...Judas Priest, Demolition

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
yahoz I never by cds anymore I get them from labels and nice promotors! :) but the latest one was God hates us all Slayer

melissah :
do you guys ALL have girlfriends? :)

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Melissa: Not all of us...

Dennis @ RaiseHell :

EvilGewürzGürkchen*w :
take me!!! *lol*

Arnold Layne :
Do you listen to non-metal-music?

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Arnold Layne: Yeah! Some!

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Arnold.. I like prodigy!

Arnold Layne :
Jimmy: Name some examples, please

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Arnold: Well...Mostly swedish bands called Ebba Gro"n and Tha*stro"m!

Dark Reflection :
Have you seen the Lord Of The Rings movies? Did you like them or not? And Which one do you like most?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
dark.. I love them!!!!

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Dark reflection: I love those movies! The best!

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Dark R: The second one!

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
dark.. the second one.. two towers..

BadmeetsEvil :
Could you imagine to play other different style of metal? or other music?

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
MadmeetsEvil: Yeah! But not with RH!

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Bad. maybe with projects!

Yahoz :
do u have other jobs or r u full-time-musicians ?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Yahoz: we have other jobs! i move furniture

Squirrelchen :
dennis.. jimmy... how old are you :)

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Squirr: I'm 23 soon to bee 24

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
squirel.. 22

Twixer666 :
dennis: do you still identify with the music on your first album? or don'T you listen to/play it anymore?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Twixer: we will still play old songs and sometimes I can identify new riffs with the older material!

Squirrelchen :
jimmy, dennis... do you make you homepage on your own `?

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Squirr: A friend did it together with Torstein

Dark Reflection :
jimmy: what is your favourite metal band?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Evil: I dont know! SLAYER!!!!!!!

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Dark Reflection: If you would call Maiden metal, it's them

Dark Reflection :
dennis/jimmy: what do you think about casting bands?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Casting bands sucks!

Hellbrother :
Raise Hell: do you still feel connected with BlackMetal? with the music or the scene?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
Hellbrother: I still listen alot to
Black metal but we just felt that we wanted to play something different in our music!

Hellbrother :
dennis: what kind of BlackMetal do you prefer? raw or melodic?

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
hellbrother: Both! favourites are Satyricon and immortal and Dimmu borgir!

Dennis @ RaiseHell :
We have to leave but thanks for comming!!! Dont forget to check out our web site at www.raise-hell.net where you can find all the answers!!

Jimmy @ RaiseHell :
Tkae care everyone and keep on raising some f***ng HELL!

Philipp von dem Knesebeck


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