ICED EARTH und Troy Seele gehen getrennte Wege

Seit mittlerweile zehn Jahren ist Gitarrist Troy Seele Mitglied bei den Amerikanern ICED EARTH, doch nun zwingen private Gründe den Saitenhexer zum Ausstieg. Troys Sohn leidet an Autismus und ist auf viel Hilfe angewiesen, die er nun nicht mehr aus dem bisherigen Unterstützungssystem beziehen kann. Daher will sich sein Vater von nun an mehr auf die Familie konzentrieren und lässt dafür das Leben in einer professionellen Band hinter sich.
Lest hier das komplette Statement von Troy:
“After close to ten years as a guitarist in Iced Earth, the time has come for me to step away. Some of you know, but many do not, that I have a child with Autism. In the past I had a great support system that has allowed me to pursue a career in music. That is no longer the case and it has forced me to make a difficult decision. I’ve always believed that family comes first, and now it is time for me to focus on that. The demanding life style of being in a professional heavy metal band is no longer an option for me. Knowing the band is focused on a new album and touring cycle, and given my circumstances, this is the best time for me to step down. Playing in Iced Earth has been a great experience. It’s taken me around the world many times and given me the chance to meet many of my heroes, as well as play in front of crowds larger than I ever dreamed of. I personally want to thank Jon and the guys for the music and the amazing times through the years. Thank you to the fans for understanding and for your support.”
Wenig überraschend haben natürlich auch seine Kollegen vollstes Verständnis für die Situation, was auch Band-Boss Jon Schaffer noch einmal betont:
"Troy was a good friend before he became a part of the team, and always will be. I understand and respect his decision. We shared some of the most amazing times of our lives together. We laughed hard, and we laughed often. Be well brother. We all wish you the very best."
Ab sofort befinden sich die Amerikaner damit auf der Suche nach einem neuen Gitarristen und nehmen dazu Audiotion-Videos über die Kontaktdaten auf ihrer Webseite entgegen!
- Quelle:
- Redakteur:
- Tobias Dahs
- Tags:
- iced earth troy seele ausstieg
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