Obscene Extreme: EXHUMED canceln

EXHUMED kommen nicht zum Obscene Extreme in Trutnov (CZ), weil sie müde sind... Aha. Als Ersatz spielen die Grindcorer SQUASH BOWELS aus Polen. Außerem dürfen ein paar Bands länger spielen. Unten das Statement der Veranstalter des von Powermetal.de präsentierten Festivals. Es findet vom 8. bis zum 10. Juli statt. Alle Infos hier.
"I got really unbelievable and breaking news from booking agent of EXHUMED for Europe, from Tjerk of Loudnoise, whole e-mail is below... it's really unbelievable and I really can't express what I feel right now, I'm totally frustrated, schocked and dissapointed...I really can't believe than even when we were agreed 6 moths before the fest and although we're good friend long time together with EXHUMED that they just sent me message thru their agent, simply we'll not arrive 'coz we're tired etc. It's unbelievable thing that they didn't contacted me sooner and also personally, they just sent this kind of inordiate message and even worse just one week before festival so we have no any chance to book some good replacement for them...I'm surely the most dissapointed man on planet, I work on festival 10 months, this is 6th edition so I spend a lot of time of my life for it and then I got so funny message...no any kind of sorry, no any statement, simply anything...it's really lack of respect guys!!! If you want to say something to the "masters" from EXHUMED, do it on our own guestbook or go to their one at www.exhumed.us .
Of course I believe that this festival is not falling down with one band and I believe that also without EXHUMED we'll have amazing atmosphere like every year and your support will be more than appreciated from other bands. I have to say big sorry to all of you that want to go here for EXHUMED show, but I can't change it. I just contacted other bands and all of them told me they're ready to go and play their live shows here on OEF and are really looking forward to the fest!!!
Also out big sorry goes to always very supportive guys from WITH FULL FORCE festival where EXHUMED had to play too...sorry again but it's not under our control."
Like replacement we could book in so short time Polish grincore legend SQUASH BOWELS that will introduce you new, highly acclaimed album "No Mercy" and more time for their live sets will get japanese BUTCHER ABC, swedish GENERAL SURGERY and german LE SCRAWL!!! Look at new schedule please!!!
E-mail from Tjerk, EXHUMED agent for Europe :
From: Loud Noise - Tjerk [mailto:tjerk@loudnoise.nl]
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 10:23 AM
To: 'OBSCENE Productions'
Hey Curby
I've been away over the weekend to a festival in France, so that's why I'm reading this right now. Exhumed has to cancel the shows because they are all on the verge of a physical and mental breakdown. They have done 105 shows since February (also a possible reason why Matt didn't contact you as often as he would have liked to) and in between tours they maybe had a total of 10 days at home.
I got a mail from Matt telling me this on Thursday night. In that mail he told me he would contact you personally as well.
I totally understand where you're coming from and I wish communication had been better. I can only do so much as I already have...
- Redakteur:
- Henri Kramer
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